Coastal Center for Anxiety Treatment

Name card of Dr. Eric goodman.

Caring for Your “Anxiety Baby”

Anxiety is such a baby! Learn how to cope and thrive with your anxiety baby.

The Second Half of Anxiety Disorder Treatment

At times when your life is going well, anxiety tends to be quieter and less prickly. Quieter and less prickly means you are more likely to peacefully coexist with it.

Accepting the noise of the mind in order to decrease anxious suffering!

The mind is a very, very noisy place!

Running Towards the Anxiety Roar!

…when the tiger is real run away from the roar—but when the tiger is made out of anxiety then run towards the roar!

Almost an Anxiety Disorder!

To treat or not to treat? That is the question.

ERP Therapy for Anxiety and OCD

Exposure with Response Prevention: Designing an Optimal Exposure Task


Life in the (Too Much) Information Age. Sometimes too much information at our disposal can fuel obsessions and make you suffer!

The Great Anxiety Debate

The Great Anxiety Debate is the conversations you have in your head with Anxiety. You try to convince Anxiety that something is safe and Anxiety tries to convince you that you are catastrophically wrong.