If you are suffering with high levels of political anxiety, here are some strategies that you can implement to help cope:
The Second Half of Anxiety Disorder Treatment
At times when your life is going well, anxiety tends to be quieter and less prickly. Quieter and less prickly means you are more likely to peacefully coexist with it.
Anxiety Disorders in College Students
What is the difference between college “anxiety” and college “stress?”
Surviving Back to College Stress!
What I have come to realize is that stress is as normal a part of the college experience as textbooks and bad pizza. It is unavoidable!
Accepting the noise of the mind in order to decrease anxious suffering!
The mind is a very, very noisy place!
Overcoming Perfectionism
Explore new strategies for dealing with perfectionism and learn how to embrace your flaws.
Life in the (Too Much) Information Age. Sometimes too much information at our disposal can fuel obsessions and make you suffer!
Adaptive Thinking
Your anxiety in specific situations is perfectly understandable if you are aware of the thoughts or beliefs that fuel it.
Vacations: Stress-reducer or stress-inducer?
Believe it or not, vacations can be a major source of stress!
Anxiety disorder or just stressed out?
How can you tell whether what you feel is an anxiety disorder or stress?