Be warned, Anxiety will say anything it has to say in order to get you away from situations that it thinks are dangerous. Anxiety will try to convince you to follow certain “Rules” in order to be safe, but following those rules is what gives Anxiety its power over you.
Exposure with Response Prevention
The Importance of Therapy “Homework” Assignments for Treating Your Anxiety Disorder
Recovery from an anxiety disorder or OCD involves committing yourself to hard and often uncomfortable work in the short term in order to live a more comfortable future. Typically, this means “homework” and lots of it!
Emetophobia: Terrified to throw up!
Phobias of vomiting are not unusual, but can be debilitating.
Anxiety disorder or just stressed out?
How can you tell whether what you feel is an anxiety disorder or stress?
The Panic Paradox: If you don’t want it, you got it!
Panic attacks are a paradox! If you don’t want them—you’ve got them.
Worry Time: A powerful tool in the fight against chronic worry
Worry doesn’t deserve your attention 24/7!
Letting Anxiety Be Your Guide: Using the Rule-of-Opposites to manage your anxiety disorder
When it comes to an anxiety disorder or OCD use the rule of opposites!
Motivation to Face Your Fears
How to motivate yourself to face your fears
Exposure Therapy for Fear of Panic Attacks
How to face your fear, when your fear is fear itself!
Why Anxiety Disorders Stick Around
How are anxiety disorders maintained?