Coastal Center for Anxiety Treatment

Name card of Dr. Eric goodman.
Counseling Services Leaderboard


Prior to scheduling, you may have a brief phone consultation with Dr. Goodman to see which treatment approach may be right for you.

Exposure with Response Prevention

Meet with Dr. Goodman, a licensed clinical psychologist, one to three times a week for 45 to 85 minutes each session either alone or with a supportive family member or friend who can serve as an anxiety support person between sessions.

A heavy emphasis is on exposure with response prevention (ERP) treatment. This involves facing one’s fear in a gradual and controlled manner using real-life (in vivo) exposures and/or imaginal exposures. Response prevention includes gradually giving up avoidances and safety behaviors, which tend to maintain or exacerbate anxiety disorders.

Therapy takes place in the office, the client’s home, or at other places in the community, depending on the client’s exposure needs. Travel costs may apply and would not be paid by insurance.

Clients may be seen by an outside primary therapist who refers them for a course of focused anxiety treatment in collaboration with their ongoing treatment. Treatment requires significant motivation on the part of the client and the willingness to tolerate a temporary increase in anxiety levels.

Dr. Goodman is available to consult with family members of non-clients regarding parenting children (and adult children) who have anxiety disorders.

Seminars and Workshops

Dr. Goodman is available for providing trainings, consultations, and seminars to organizations on topics pertaining to anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and exposure with response prevention treatment. Additionally, Dr. Goodman is available for groups of people struggling with anxiety disorders to provide workshops designed to help them meet personal anxiety management goals. Contact him for details.