Coastal Center for Anxiety Treatment

Name card of Dr. Eric goodman.

Interesting Anxiety Disorder Facts

Interesting Anxiety Disorder Facts

Things to think about.

Guess what? You are not alone:

  • In a given year, nearly 20% of adults in the United States experience an anxiety disorder.
  • One in four adolescents ages 13-18 will experience an anxiety disorder at some point.
  • In fact, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem that people experience.

Risk Factors:

  • Being shy or behavioral inhibited as a child
  • Being female
  • Few economic resources
  • Being divorced or widowed
  • Being exposed to stressful life events
  • Having close biological relatives with anxiety disorders
  • Being depressed (nearly 50% of those diagnosed with depression also have an anxiety disorder)


Despite there being some excellent treatments, only around one-third of people with an anxiety disorder receive treatment.

Anxiety disorders cost the United States $42 billion dollars per year, more than half of that for people seeking medical care for their anxiety symptoms.
